
Using Hemp to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

If you’re looking for an all-natural way to enhance your meditation practice, hemp might be the answer. This versatile plant can help relax your body, focus your mind, and reduce stress. Let’s dive into why hemp is a great choice for those looking to improve their meditation experience.

The Benefits of Hemp for Meditation

Hemp has been used in many cultures for centuries as a means of relaxation and pain relief. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help combat stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also known to reduce cortisol levels in the body which can help put your mind at ease during meditation. In addition, hemp contains natural cannabinoids like cannabidiol which can help reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body so that you can sit more comfortably for longer periods of time.

The physical benefits

These aren’t the only advantages of using hemp for meditation. Hemp also has mental benefits as well. Cannabis Hemp helps increase focus and clarity while decreasing racing thoughts and general mental fog that can prevent us from achieving deeper states of consciousness during our practice. Additionally, hemp is known to boost creativity in individuals, encouraging them to approach their spiritual practices with a new outlook or perspective they may not have considered before.

How to Incorporate Hemp Into Your Meditation Practice

You can purchase our Relief Lotion infused with full spectrum Hemp oil and apply it directly onto your neuro receptors (inside of writs and temples) before meditating. Ultimately, incorporating hemp into your meditation practice can be incredibly beneficial in numerous ways – both physically and mentally – allowing you to achieve deeper states of consciousness than ever before while experiencing less stress and anxiety along the way. Rub our All-natural  Relief Lotion on before your practice and feel the balancing affects of our formula to enhance your practice.

Our Favorite Online Yoga



Hemp Cultivation in the US


Hemp cultivation in the United States has seen a resurgence in recent years, thanks to changes in legislation and a growing demand for products made from the plant. In 2018, When the Hemp Bill passed in America, we at Dr. Milo got straight to work experimenting with hemp oil in our home kitchen.

Hemp, a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species, is grown for its seeds, fiber, and oils. It has been used for centuries in various industries, including textiles, construction, and food. Unlike its cousin marijuana, hemp contains very low levels of the psychoactive compound THC, making it legal to grow and use in the United States.

The 2018 Farm Bill, removed hemp from the list of controlled substances and classified it as an agricultural commodity. This change in legislation has opened the door for farmers to grow hemp and for companies to produce and sell hemp-derived products, such as Cannabidiol.

So how did this bill affect our land?

As a result, the number of acres dedicated to hemp cultivation in the US has risen dramatically in recent years. In 2019, there were 78,176 acres of hemp under cultivation in the United States, a nearly 200% increase from the previous year. As of 2021, more than half a million acres were being cultivated. This number continues to grow as the demand for hemp-based products increases.

Hemp is a versatile crop that can be grown for a variety of purposes, including food, fiber, and Hemp Oil. The seeds are a rich source of protein and healthy fats, making them popular in the food industry. The fibers can be used to make textiles, paper, and construction materials, while the oils can be used in personal care products, supplements, and even fuel.

Farming Hemp

Despite the growing popularity of hemp cultivation in the US, there are still challenges that farmers face. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of a consistent market for hemp products. This lack of a consistent market makes it difficult for farmers to plan and invest in their crops. Additionally, there is still a lack of research and information on the best practices for growing hemp, making it difficult for farmers to optimize their yields.

The Future of Hemp

The legalization of hemp cultivation in the United States has opened up many opportunities for farmers and businesses. The demand for hemp-based products is increasing, and the crop has the potential to be a valuable addition to the agricultural industry. However, farmers still face challenges, such as a lack of consistent market and a lack of research on best practices. With continued support and investment, the hemp industry in the US has the potential to continue to grow and thrive.

2018 Farm Bill

Article on Regenerative Hemp Farming



Dr. Milo Hemp Packaging Adds Some Playfulness To The Pain Relief Aisle -DIELINE ARTICLE

by Chloe Gordon on 06/09/2022 | 3 Minute Read

Dr. Milo is a pain relief serum with packaging that’s much more lighthearted than the purpose behind the brand. Through bright red, lively typography, and an aluminum tube, the brand’s packaging beautifully balances an approachable attitude that’s also highly trustworthy and restorative. While the design is simple, it certainly has a playful side creating standout packaging in a sea of dull medical designs.

Our target was to create a more fun pain relief tube with a 70’s vibe for the older generation while staying poppy and fun. Our primary stacked logo is a custom font, our wave design was inspired by an australian psychedelic rock band and the bright red poppy brand color was inspired by the red cross to convey healing. We’re apart of 1% for the planet, and give back to Regeneration International to promote regenerative farming practices which is great for hemp farmers in America. We’re a Woman owned, family operated, hemp business.

Created by a team of sister, brother, and dad; Joan, David, and Milo. We initially shared Dr. Milo with friends and family seeking an all-natural, safer solution to curing everyday aches and pains and helping loved ones cope with chronic pain. We now get to share this product with the world, and we’re pretty excited about that. Several years ago, our Mom, and wife respectively, was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, making her live with chronic debilitating pain.

We sourced our top to bottom sustainable packaging in Germany where we found one of the very few companies in the world using a lined aluminum tube. Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials. Our box is made of recycled cardboard boxes. We then worked with Mac & Roni Creative out of NY to fully design our tube, logo and secondary patterns. Our flower pattern is actually the ARNICA MONTANA flower- a main ingredient in our Relief Lotion.

We wanted to create a product and be a part of her healing journey to find less toxic solutions for pain management. We started with the idea that we could offer something as an alternative solution to pain management. We combined our background in holistic, herbal healing with the advent of the legalization of hemp. Dr. Milo began in our home kitchen; with lots of messy potion experimentation and after its initial success, we decided to form a company. Our company standard was to distribute a product for others seeking a more pain-free life while using the whole plant, all-natural ingredients.

Dr. Milo has since grown and is produced in California, and you can now find us in multiple U.S. locations. We’ve also continued experimenting and are seeking to make more products that offer some peace for your aches and love for your pains.



Making Our Planet a Better Place, One Hemp Plant at a Time

When we think of sustainability and environmentalism, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It can be hard to know where to start and how your individual efforts can add up. But every effort counts, especially when you join forces with an organization like 1% for the Planet or Regeneration International. That’s why our hemp company is proud to be part of both groups and make a positive contribution to the planet in the process.

What Is 1% for the Planet?

1% for the Planet is an organization that connects businesses committed to environmental sustainability with non-profits that are making a difference in their communities. They believe that businesses have an obligation to give back, which is why they encourage companies to donate 1% of their profits towards environmental protection and preservation initiatives. As members, this is something we’re proud of being a part of.

What Is Regeneration International?

Regeneration International (RI) is an organization dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture worldwide. The group works closely with farmers and scientists from around the world who are focused on regenerative land management practices that help promote soil health and reduce climate change. We are proud partners of RI because we love what they stand for—and because it makes a big difference in how we run our hemp business.

How Can You Help?

It’s easy! If you want to join us in supporting these organizations, there are several things you can do. You can sign up as a member to show your support, purchase products from brands that are part of 1% for the Planet or Regeneration International, or even donate directly if you wish! Every little bit helps and adds up quickly when more people get involved.

At Dr. Milo, we strongly believe that it’s important for businesses like ours to give back and contribute positively towards making our planet better. We consider ourselves privileged to be able to partner with two amazing organizations like 1% for the Planet and Regeneration International so we can have an even greater impact on the planet than ever before. If you would like more information on these organizations or would like to join us in making our planet better, please visit their websites and know that 1% of our early profits go to RI, so your purchase of our Relief Lotion is already contributing.



The Advantages of Starting a Woman Owned, Family Run Small Business


Starting a family-run small business has all the rewards you can imagine if managed properly. With the rise of digital tools and platforms, entrepreneurs have access to more resources than ever before. However, starting a woman owned small business comes with its own unique set of advantages. Let’s take a look at some of these benefits and how they can help your business succeed in today’s economy.

Increased Support Networks

When we started Dr. Milo, our woman owned small business, we gained access to networks of other like-minded women that you would not otherwise have access to. This could be beneficial for networking opportunities, finding mentors or even just having someone to talk to who understands what you are going through as an entrepreneur. Women-only or female-centric networks also provide invaluable advice and resources that may not be available elsewhere and can be invaluable for success in the early stages of your business.

Family Involvement

Starting a family run small business allows for increased involvement from family members who may not normally have the opportunity to contribute significantly to the business’s success. This could include anything from providing financial assistance during the initial startup phases to helping out with day-to-day operations such as marketing or customer service. Having family members involved can also provide additional morale boosts when times get tough and remind everyone why they are working so hard in the first place – to support their loved ones!

Tax Benefits

There are also tax benefits associated with owning a woman owned small business that can help offset some of the costs associated with running it. For example, many countries provide special incentives like reduced taxes or government grants specifically targeted towards female entrepreneurs, which can make running your business much easier in the long run. It is important to research any tax benefits available in your area as they could potentially save you money when it comes time to file taxes each year!

Starting a woman owned, family run small business comes with several advantages that can increase your chances for success in today’s economy. From increased support networks and family involvement to tax benefits and more, there are countless reasons why this type of venture may be right for you. It is important to do your research before taking on such an endeavor but if done correctly, it can be highly rewarding both financially and personally. We Started Dr. Milo Hemp years ago with a dream to create with more women owned businesses and we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us today!

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