
Clean out your pantry of toxic products on the dirty list


When we first started Formulating our Relief Lotion years ago in our kitchen, we quickly learned about all the toxic chemicals that were lurking around us in our home. We found them everywhere! But the biggest one for us was in our household cleaner that we were using to decontaminate our workspace.

Here’s what we threw away:

-Anything with SLS in it. This toxic ingredient is what makes soap foam or bubble- honestly, you can live without the bubbles.

Found in: Hand soaps, toothpaste, shampoo

-Household Cleaner. ALERT! (even the organic “clean” ones are toxic!

What we use instead:

Good old fashioned vinegar. I bought giant glass jar online, filled it with vinegar, and loaded it with orange peels from our garden for a nice fresh scent and let it steep. Then I got cute glass spray bottles– because keeping anything in plastic is just as bad.

And if you don’t feel like making your own, here’s company we love with great core values and actually non- toxic cleaning products:

A note on Plastic:
We got rid of it all! Instead of leftover containers we use these. For plastic snack bags we use these, and instead of saran wrap we use these great beeswax reusable wraps.

and finally, here is the Dirty List we promised:

Dirty List




Why You Should Read Ingredients Labels

When we were first formulating for Dr. Milo, our eyes were opened to all the toxic ingredients placed in formulation.

Reading ingredients labels is an important habit to have, both for your health and the environment. Food products are not the only household items that should be checked for ingredients. From cleaning supplies to makeup, it’s worth taking a few moments to review what you have in your home and examining the labels to see what exactly you’re bringing into your space. Let’s take a look at why reading ingredients labels is so important.

Ingredients Matter

It’s absolutely essential that you understand the difference between natural and artificial ingredients. Many manufacturers will use synthetic chemicals or preservatives with long names that can cause allergic reactions, headaches, and other ailments. By understanding what is in the products, you can make sure they are safe to use and consume. For example, if you are looking for a face wash or moisturizer it would be beneficial to look for all-natural ingredients such as aloe vera or plant oils rather than synthetic chemicals like parabens or phthalates which may be harmful when absorbed into your skin.

Here is a BAD-LIST of Ingredients from

Credo Beauty- Dirty List

Environmental Impact

Another reason to read ingredient labels is because of their impact on the environment. Many chemical-laden cleaning products release toxins into our air and water systems, polluting our cities and oceans. If you want to help reduce your environmental footprint then switching out toxic cleaners and opting for more natural options is a great place to start. Natural solutions such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and essential oils can get the job done without creating any harm on our planet.

Health Benefits

Reading ingredient labels can also improve your overall health by helping you make smart decisions about what goes into your body. Knowing what goes into processed foods can help you understand how many calories and fats are present in each item so that you can make healthier choices while grocery shopping. It’s also important to pay attention to food allergies when buying packaged goods; some people may be sensitive or allergic to certain food additives such as gluten or dairy which could cause serious harm if ingested unknowingly.

Reading ingredient labels on everything from food products to cleaning supplies is an important habit that should not be overlooked. Take your time to read the backs of products.

Not only does it keep us informed of what we are putting into our bodies but it also helps us contribute towards a healthier environment by selecting natural alternatives whenever possible. Being mindful of what we bring home from the store is an easy way to ensure we are making better decisions for ourselves and our planet.


http://EWG Cosmetic database