
Clean out your pantry of toxic products on the dirty list


When we first started Formulating our Relief Lotion years ago in our kitchen, we quickly learned about all the toxic chemicals that were lurking around us in our home. We found them everywhere! But the biggest one for us was in our household cleaner that we were using to decontaminate our workspace.

Here’s what we threw away:

-Anything with SLS in it. This toxic ingredient is what makes soap foam or bubble- honestly, you can live without the bubbles.

Found in: Hand soaps, toothpaste, shampoo

-Household Cleaner. ALERT! (even the organic “clean” ones are toxic!

What we use instead:

Good old fashioned vinegar. I bought giant glass jar online, filled it with vinegar, and loaded it with orange peels from our garden for a nice fresh scent and let it steep. Then I got cute glass spray bottles– because keeping anything in plastic is just as bad.

And if you don’t feel like making your own, here’s company we love with great core values and actually non- toxic cleaning products:

A note on Plastic:
We got rid of it all! Instead of leftover containers we use these. For plastic snack bags we use these, and instead of saran wrap we use these great beeswax reusable wraps.

and finally, here is the Dirty List we promised:

Dirty List




Grow your own hemp at home

Growing Hemp at home in your garden can be easy and so rewarding with a few simple steps. 

How to:

First, choose a sunny spot in your garden or yard where the soil drains well and there is plenty of sun exposure. Then purchase some hemp seeds that are meant for planting. Next, sow the seeds about one-quarter inch deep into the soil and lightly tamp down around them. Water regularly, ensuring the soil remains moist but not soggy. As the seedlings emerge from the soil, thin out the weaker plants so that each plant has room to grow. Finally, wait for the hemp to mature before harvesting the stems and leaves for use in paper, textiles, oils, and other products.

Cultivating and growing hemp at home is a rewarding experience. If you’re looking for an exciting way to get involved in gardening, consider cultivating your own hemp at home. With the right know-how and materials, you can easily set up an indoor or outdoor environment that allows you to grow this amazing plant. Plus, it’s legal in many places – so there’s no need to worry about breaking any laws. Growing hemp is not only fun but also incredibly beneficial, since it offers an array of applications and uses from making food and medicine to creating fabric and fuel.

Here are some at home Hemp Recipes:

23 hemp recipes

Hemp Energy Bites

Hemp Seed oil


What Does it Mean for a Hemp Company to Be Sustainable?

As hemp-based products become increasingly popular, many companies are now making sustainability claims. But what does it mean for a hemp company to truly be sustainable? To understand this, we must consider the entire production process from seed to sale.

Seed Selection and Growth Processes

In order for a hemp company to be considered sustainable, they must select their seeds carefully. For example, if they use GMO seeds, they are not only destroying the genetic integrity of their crop but also compromising its nutritional value. So instead of using genetically modified seeds, look for companies that source organic or heirloom varieties as these are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and other toxic substances. Additionally, companies should commit to using sustainable farming practices that protect the soil and promote biodiversity. This includes using natural pest control methods such as crop rotation and companion planting rather than relying on toxic pesticides which can harm both people and the environment. At Dr. Milo, we have our product triple lab tested.

Processing Practices

The way in which hemp is processed is another key factor in determining whether a hemp company is truly sustainable. Companies should avoid any processes that involve harsh chemicals or solvents as these can contaminate their products with harmful toxins. Instead, look for companies that use gentle processing techniques such as cold pressing or steam distillation which preserve vital nutrients while maintaining product purity. Additionally, many companies now use CO2 extraction which allows them to extract cannabinoids without using any solvents at all! Here is our lovely hemp company: onda wellness hemp

Packaging Considerations

Finally, packaging is an often-overlooked aspect of sustainability when it comes to hemp-based products. Companies should strive to use packaging materials that are 100% recyclable or compostable so that customers can easily dispose of them responsibly when they’re done with them. At Dr. Milo, we use this wonderful company called eco-enclose. Additionally, packaging should never contain any plastics or other non-biodegradable materials as these will just end up polluting our waterways and landfills eventually if not disposed of properly.

When it comes to choosing a truly sustainable hemp company, there are several factors to consider from seed selection and growth processes through processing practices and packaging considerations. By taking all these elements into account, you can make an informed decision about which company best aligns with your values when it comes to sustainability. Doing so will ensure that you get the highest quality product while supporting a business that takes its environmental responsibilities seriously.



What You Need to Know About Cannabis Lab Testing

The cannabis industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in North America, and as such, it is important that products are tested for safety and quality. Cannabis lab testing is a vital part of any business dealing with cannabis or hemp products, and it ensures that customers receive the highest quality product available. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why cannabis lab testing is important for hemp lotions and other cannabis-based products.

Here is our COA (lab test) for Dr. Milo Topical Relief Lotion:

Dr. Milo COA

Why is it Necessary?

Cannabis lab testing is necessary to ensure that products are safe for consumers. This includes testing for potency, terpenes, pesticides, solvents, and other contaminants. In addition to ensuring safety, cannabis lab testing also helps producers create consistent batches of product that meet customer expectations. By performing regular tests on each batch of product they make, producers can ensure they are producing products of the same quality each time.

Testing Lotions

When it comes to hemp lotions specifically, lab testing is especially important due to their potential use as a topical treatment. While most topicals do not need to be tested for potency like edibles or tinctures do, it is still important to test them for purity and contaminants. This will help ensure that customers are receiving a safe product free from any unwanted substances or toxins that could potentially cause skin irritation or other adverse reactions.

Checking the COA

Cannabis lab testing provides consumers with peace of mind when purchasing cannabis or hemp-based products such as lotions or balms – knowing these items have been thoroughly tested for safety and quality assurance gives them confidence in their purchase decision. For producers, regular lab testing ensures consistency between batches while also giving them an advantage over competitors who may not be taking additional steps towards transparency with customers. Ultimately both parties benefit from having a trusted third party verifying the safety and accuracy of the end product – so if you’re looking into buying or selling cannabis-based products make sure they’ve been through rigorous laboratory analysis.

Here’s a Lab we love!



Gifting Dr. Milo Relief Lotion – A Perfect Choice For Any Occasion

Are you looking for a thoughtful and unique gift idea? Dr. Milo Relief Lotion is a perfect choice for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary or just want to show your appreciation, gifting a tube of Dr. Milo Relief Lotion is sure to put a smile on the faces of anyone who receives it. Let’s take a closer look at why gifting our Relief Lotion makes the perfect present for anyone in your life.

The Benefits of Dr. Milo Relief Lotion

Dr. Milo’s Topical Relief Lotion is a fast-absorbing, full-spectrum NANO CBD/CBN/CBG formula. It contains all plant-derived ingredients, that offer reduced inflammation and relaxation.  It will absorb into the skin within seconds, work within minutes, and last approximately 2-4 hours. We use a NANO, full-spectrum hemp for higher potency, and faster absorption. Our unisex essential oil-based scent won’t stain your clothes so use all over your body. We like it on the insides of our wrists to soothe anxiety and on our temples for migraine relief. Massage into your aches and feel the relief.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

When you give someone the gift of Dr. Milo Relief Lotion, they’re not just getting one product; they’re getting the benefit of long-term inflammation relief that will last them for months to come.

Easy To Use

Dr. Milo Relief Lotion is incredibly easy to use – simply apply it directly onto affected areas twice daily (or more often if needed). There are no complicated instructions or lengthy regimens; just smooth on the lotion whenever needed and let its natural ingredients work their magic! Plus, with its light texture and pleasant scent, using this lotion is truly an enjoyable experience.

Gifting someone a tube of Dr. Milo Relief Lotion is the perfect way to say you care about someone’s well being.  So if you’re looking for an ideal gift idea that’s sure to please anyone in your life, look no further than gifting them a tube of Dr. Milo Relief Lotion today.

shop for your perfect gift here