mental health

3 SOLID Self Care Tips for 2023

In all honesty, we’re writing on this subject because it something we feel not only is relatable, but something we seem to be struggling with currently while juggling family life, the dr. milo business, staying healthy, taking time for ourselves while holding it all together. If this resonates then keep reading for some semblance of it all or at least some sort of self- hug.

Self Care Tip #1

First off, You’re doing great. You’re reading this, therefore you’re interesting in bettering your life and hence, lives around you.  Let’s start with some positive self talk. Positive self talk should be something we actually feel so that it doesn’t feel forced or contrite. Are you proud of yourself for showering today? Then hell yeah! Be proud of that and let that sink in. Pick 3 things that are highlights of your life right now. Now, thinking about all those things, let’s just take big breath to cleanse, and head onward to this reading and the moments ahead.

Self Care Tip #2

Taking time for ourselves can be momentary. Don’t have an hour for a yoga class? Literally, don’t sweat it. While studying kinesiology and massage, we learned that taking just 2 min./day to lay on our backs with feet up the wall not only resets the spine adding synovial fluid back into the cartlidges but it resets our mind as well. Our spine craves rest to recover all the fluid that is naturally used throughout the day. If we lay, just for 2 min the synovial fluid (thick fluid between your joints) This fluid cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move your joints. Synovial fluid then gets it’s chance to replenish in our bodies giving our spines fluidity and a supple healing to move forward with our days.

Self care tip #3

Stop listening to others and taking it as bible or what may be true for you. For us, this automatically leads to comparing. Your healing process will be vastly different from a friend the same age, health and size. Because no two are alike in a beautiful way, our minds are so incredibly different. A lot of a healing process starts with our minds so to think that your trajectory or outcome will be the same as someone else’s is just putting limits on beliefs of what you’re capable of. We’re capable of healing ourselves. It just takes some tuning INWARD.

*And of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention… go rub some Dr. Milo Topical Relief on.


GENTLER: Practical Self-Care Podcast

Inner Hour- APP

A great Read!



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